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Lebanese Roaster


    Sunday - Thursday
    10:00 AM - 1:00 AM

    Friday - Saturday
    10:00 AM - 1:00 AM


  • Cash,Credit/Debit Card,Dalma Mall Gift Voucher

Lebanese Roaster

Lebanese Roaster was established in 1978 as the first roaster that serving customers in Emirate of Abu Dhabi. We laid the base to create and ever expanding network of approved reliable suppliers. We travelled to the corners of Levantine countries; we determined that Lebanese Roaster is always able to offer the best products directly from the right sources. We secured fresh products that reflect our heritage, from the right producers.

Since Lebanese Roaster was the first in Abu Dhabi, the founders made sure there was no compromise on quality, while prices remained competitive and within reasonable budget of all customers. The legacy echoes “LOVING IT TO PIECES “

  • Lebanese Roaster
  • Lebanese Roaster (1)
  • Lebanese Roaster (2)
  • Lebanese Roaster (3)
  • Lebanese Roaster (5)
  • Lebanese Roaster (6)
  • Lebanese Roaster (7)
  • Lebanese Roaster (8)