- P - +971 551891262
- E - service@giordano-me.com
- F - First Floor
Sunday - Thursday
10:00 AM - 1:00 AM
Friday - Saturday
10:00 AM - 1:00 AM
- Cash,Credit/Debit Card,Dalma Mall Gift Voucher
About Giordano
Giordano embodies the contemporary lifestyle choices – simplicity in design and quality in substance. Its total commitment to superior service, excellent quality and great value has enabled the company to successfully execute its multiple-market and multiple-brand strategy.
Giordano today is one of the top five clothing retailers in the whole Arab region. The brand’s merchandise mix of relaxed and smart casuals has proven popular for all age groups and nationalities, demonstrating the global appeal for the brand.
The heart of the Giordano system is that it is totally customer responsive. Information, speed and simplicity are the key components driving the entire operation.
Giordano’s brand philosophy is modern simplicity and style – where less is more and a style that accentuates and enhances an individual’s inner beauty through modern, classic and timeless clothes. In an industry constantly adapting to changing trends that result in rising production costs, Giordano has developed a flexible approach to fashion retailing.
Mission & Vision
Giordano’s Vision is – “To be the best and the biggest world brand in apparel retailing”
(A World Brand is a brand that has no centre, knows no national borders. It is cross-cultural and is owned by local consumers. It is truly a “Think Global – Act Local” scenario. Each market adapts to their customer’s needs, wants and culture, but all maintain a cosmopolitan, international and contemporary touch.)
The brand’s Mission is – “To Make People Feel Good and Look Great”.